The news story published on Huffington Post by Ben Blanchet could benefit from several improvements to create a clearer and more readable structure.
The article includes six hyperlinks, but not all of them are necessary or useful. For instance, the hyperlink to CNN is redundant and adds no value to the article. Effective hyperlinks include “transgender” and “anti-trans policies.” Additionally, the article could benefit from other forms of hypertext, such as tags, URLs, and web pages.
Although a video was inserted at the beginning of the article, clicking on the two-minute video revealed that it had no connection to the article. Furthermore, an advertisement appeared immediately after the video ended. To improve the article, the video should be removed and replaced with other forms of multimedia, such as GIFs, audio clips, or slideshows. The article only uses three types of media: text, still images, and videos. The images and videos appear as hyperlinks to tweets.
The news article includes dialogic interactivity, such as comments and news sharing,
as well as registration interactions, such as user registration and subscriptions.
Additionally, the article features personalized news feeds, which is a form of adaptive interactivity.
One area for improvement could be selective interactivity, which could be enhanced by adding features such as polls to increase user engagement and interaction with the article.
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